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January 15th Meetup

Setting up a Git Repo and making your first commits

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If you have played with code at all you have probably heard about git. But what if you have no idea what git is or how to get started? This session is for you…

Join Phil Bossman and the rest of the RTPSUG leaders as we host the first of two hands-on, interactive git learning sessions. You will participate in follow-along demos to create and commit to your first repo. The RTPSUG leaders will help you master your first steps in git with one-on-one help.

Phil will lead a learning session that will cover the core commands of git. Learn the difference between push and pull, adding vs committing, local vs remote repos and how to undo everything when you have completely borked it up.

** All attendees should have git for windows or git for linux pre-installed prior to this meeting **

At the end of this session, we’ll send you home with the basic git skills in place so you can practice all month and then come back in February for part 2 of our git series which will focus on using git in group/public scenario.

…and if you are attending via the remote link…

We have lined up some well-known community members to help our online folks. So come blow up some git repos with us and learn the right way to do git!

…and yes, you can do this…

Want to know what time this meeting is in your time zone?

If you cannot join us in person, you can also join us online via WebEx. If you join us online, we’ll send you the remote connection info approximately 3 hrs before the start of the meeting. We also record all of our meetings and place the recordings on our YouTube channel a few days after the meeting.

By attending this meeting, you agree to allow us to use any recordings of yourself for later use in public forums such as YouTube and Reddit.